Moody Mood Under-Eye Roller & Rose Quartz Gua Sha Set 冰感眼部按摩棒及粉晶刮痧板套裝
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Moody Mood
- Perfect Self Care Ritual Duo Set
- Delivering powerful benefits packed in a petite size.
- Box Includes Under-Eye Roller, Rose Quartz Gua Sha & Custom Pouch.
Under-Eye Roller:
- A surgical stainless steel roller head, stay colder for an extended period, no rusting
- Refresh and awaken eyes
- Reducing inflammation, eye puffiness, wrinkles and dark under eye circles
- Eliminates toxins and promote blood circulation around eyes
- Tighten and reduce pore size
- Relieve migraine
- Use on the under-eye area, brow bone and nose
- A palm-sized petite roller, a perfect on-the-go beauty tools
Rose Quartz Gua Sha Facial Tool:
- Stimulate blood flow and collagen production, as well as aiding lymphatic drainage
- Reduce puffiness and sagging
Contours and sculpts
Brightens complexion
Softens wrinkles and fine lines
Improves the elasticity of the skin
How to use Gua Sha:
Cleanse the skin thoroughly and follow with a treatment mist. Dispense 5-10 drops
of your favorite facial oil or serum into the palm of your hand. Rub hands together to
warm the oil or serum and press to apply it all over your face and neck. This will help
the facial tool glide across the skin easily.
1. Hold the Gua Sha tools at a 45-degree angle to the skin.
2. Start at bottom of your ear, sweep down your neck, move downward to your
3. Gently glide from the center of your forehead out, wiggling once your get to the
4. Gently glide from the side of your nose out to the temple and up to hairline to lift
the eyes and brow. Wiggling once you get to the hairline.
5. Start from the side your mouth and go up and under your cheekbone toward ear.
6. Using small tip end, glide over your jawbone. Start at middle of your chin and
sweep along your jaw toward your earlobe.
7. Use small tip end, gently glide from the beginning of your brow downward to your
nostril along your nose side.
8.repeating each stroke 5-10 times.
- Stop using gua sha if your skin has wounds, sensitivity or inflammation.
- Not recommended for people taking blood thinners.
- Do not use gua sha to scrape the abdomen, waist and sacrum during pregnancy.
Wash with a bit of mild, natural soap and water and lay flat to dry.
Set out in moonlight to recharge and re-energize the crystal occasionally.
Store in our custom pouch
盒內包括: 冰感眼部按摩棒*1, 玫瑰粉晶刮痧板*1, 收納袋*1
冰感眼部按摩棒:- 冰感眼部按摩棒能讓你隨時按摩疲倦的雙眼,眼皮和穴位
- 醫療級不銹鋼材質能令滾輪的冷凍效果更持久
- 冰涼觸感,對收細毛孔,舒緩敏感肌膚亦有良好效果
- 促進眼部血液循環,減少浮腫,細紋,舒緩發炎
- 配合按摩,可舒緩偏頭痛
- 滾輪為醫療級不銹鋼製造,手柄為塑膠製造
- 使用前可預先存放於冰箱內以達致最佳效果
- 尺寸: 78mm * 26mm
- 嚴選天然玫瑰粉晶,極致發揮晶石能量
- 能溫和推動淋巴系統,促進血液循環,排走毒素
- 提亮膚色,緊緻肌膚,收細毛孔的功效
- 有助消除面部浮腫,淡化皺紋黑眼圈,細紋
- 更可改善臉型,達致提拉效果
- 配合日常護膚品使用,可加強吸收,令肌膚更緊緻,變得細滑亮白
- 天然的水晶均會有冰裂、棉絮,色帶及雜質等,亦有無法由人手打磨掉的小瑕疵(3mm以下屬正常情況),亦為鑑定天然水晶的的一種方法。
- 尺寸: 78 mm * 53mm
附送Moody Mood自家設計的收納袋
#提升面部輪廓 #改善浮腫 #瘦面神器 #撫平細紋 #靜音按摩捧 #水晶美容
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