Thank you for shopping at!!

Our goal is to provide a satisfactory after-sales service including but not limited to accepting return or exchange unsatisfactory item(s) within 7 days after delivery. Before returning your item(s), please read the following instructions carefully and got in touch with our CUSTOMER SERVICE.

For more information, please read below: 
  • All sold items have been checked for quality before dispatch. 
  • To avoid disputes, please kindly check your item(s) as soon as your parcel arrived. 
  • We offer return service within 7 days. Please kindly apply return by contacting our CUSTOMER SERVICE within 7 days from the date on which you received your item(s). 
  • Please return your item(s) within 3 working days after your return or exchange application is accepted. 
  • We are unable to offer return or exchange service to other countries outside of Hong Kong. 
  • Customer who received damaged or wrong item(s), please contact our CUSTOMER SERVICE within 7 working days from the date on which you received your order. 
  • Please contact us at +(852) 8101-1001 or email CUSTOMER SERVICE if you have any further questions or require any further information on exchange or return. Our customer service team is available on Monday to Friday, 11:00am-19:00pm (except public holidays).

Exchange and Return Policy

We ACCEPT the following reason for return or exchange: 

  • Item(s) with damages. 
  • A size tolerance exceed 3cm according to the product description from our website. 
  • Wrong item is delivered. 
  • Personal reason: such as, doesn't like the color, hard to mix and match, chromatic aberration and little loose thread, etc.

*** Chromatic Aberration: We are committed to improve the color aberration. Customers should mainly refer to the Single product shot with white background.Colors shown on different screens may have slight variance, individual perception of color and the lighting during photographing will also affect the product displayed in the pictures. 
Requests for return or exchange due to such reason will be rejected.

We DO NOT ACCEPT the following reason for return or exchange: 

  • Delivery time is too long.
  • Delays in delivery due to courier issue.
  • Return requests must be applied within 7 days after receipt.
  • All items will be inspected on return. We do our best to accommodate return requests, however, in the rare events that an item is returned has not found the reported problem(s)/defects or it does not included in our return policy. We will send back the item(s) by using local surface mail. Customer should bear the shipping cost if requests to use other shipping method.
  • We are unable to offer return or exchange service to other countries outside of Hong Kong (Excluding damaged or wrong item).

    Return Process

    All return or exchange, please fill out and email our return form to our CUSTOMER SERVICE within 7 days after receipt. Return item(s) must be packed in a proper shipping container, and using the secure and tracked delivery service provider to return your item(s) to, Room B, 19/F Yun Kai Building, 466 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

    Customer should bear the risk of lost parcel by using the surface mail. Therefore, we recommend that you return your item(s) to us by using secure and tracked delivery service. Return are usually take 3-5 working days to process after item(s) being received. However, please note that during busy periods such as seasonal or promotional sales, processing may take longer.


    Warranty (Hong Kong Only)

    All watches come with a one-year limited warranty.

    Watches are warranted to the original consumer for a period of one year from the date of purchase. This warranty does not include wear or alteration to the battery, case, strap, bracelet and crystal (lens), nor extends to water damage or tarnishing of the case and bracelet. This warranty is void if the watch has been damaged by accident, negligence, unauthorized service, or other factors not due to defects in material or workmanship. Any other forms of guarantee given to you by an authorized retailer is her/his responsibility.

    Terms & Conditions

    • Your item must be returned in the original packaging, with all the tags and labels attached. Please note that once tags are removed, your application is no longer eligible for refund or exchange.
    • Item(s) are damaged intentionally
    • If there is any free gift in the order and you cannot fulfill the original order requirements of receiving free gift(s) after making returns, it must be returned together with the return item(s).
    • All original attached parts and accessories must be returned together with the return items, otherwise your application is no longer eligible for refund or exchange.
    • For non-damaged or unwanted items, customers are responsible for returning item(s) to at their own cost. All shipping cost involved is not refundable.
    • Customer should pay for the returning item(s) shipping fee in advance. We will arrange your shipping fee refund once we receive the returned item(s) and determined as damaged/wrong item(s).
    • All return shipping fee must be prepaid. We don't accept freight collect.
    • reserves the right to make changes the above terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. Any matter or dispute arise, the final decision of shall be final.




    • 為避免雙方發生爭議,當客戶收到商品後,請即時檢查商品是否完整
    • 我們的退貨期為七天,由客戶從速遞員手上領取商品後計起七天內聯繫客服申請退換貨
    • 如購買時商品附有活動贈品,而申請退款後不附合活動資格者,需連同贈品一併寄回
    • 商品如缺少任何配件將有機會無法為客戶辦理退換貨服務
    • 如非商品錯配/有瑕疵情況下的退換貨,來回運費(包括我們原寄出運費)將由客戶自行承擔
    • 客戶請先墊付退貨的運費,如寄回後確認為商品錯配/有瑕疵,我們將退回運費給您
    • 我們不接受任何到付運費的退貨
    • 退款或換貨手續,從我們收到您的退貨包裹當天計算,一般需要3-5個工作天
    • 關於色差:我們致力於改善色差問題,客戶主要可參考商品的單品照顏色(商品的白底圖)但由於每部電腦的顯示器有所不同,加上每個人對顏色、深淺度的定義有所差異,以及拍攝時燈光照射等原因,實物顏色與照片仍有少許差異實屬正常情況
    • 如商品在回收並進行檢查後,並沒有存在顧客申請退換貨時所提出之問題,或商品不符合退換貨的基本原則,我們將會以平郵方式將商品寄回,如客戶要求以其他方式退回商品,則客戶需承擔額外的運費
    • 我們無法為寄往香港以外的客戶提供退換貨服務(商品有瑕疵或收到錯誤商品除外)。


    1. 下單後欲更改或取消訂單,請儘快聯繫我們客服(只限尚未出貨之訂單)
    2. 請致電+(852) 8101 1001聯繫客服或電郵至
      客服辦公時間為:星期一至五11:00至19:00 六日及公眾假期休息
    3. 我們會協助為您更改訂單,如欲取消訂單,金額將會以您原付款的方式退回給您
    4. 如已出貨之訂單無法進行更改。


    1. 收到商品後請保持原有包裝、吊牌、標籤、及商品無任何人為破損 
    2. 請致電+(852) 8101 1001聯繫客服或電郵至info@soldsimple.com申請退換貨
      客服辦公時間為:星期一至五11:00至19:00 六日及公眾假期休息
    3. 經客服確認後,請將商品包裝妥當,以安全方式寄往:
      香港九龍彌敦道466號恩佳大廈19/F B室 Soldsimple 
    4. 平郵投寄風險買家需自負,我們建議客戶使用掛號或順豐快遞服務寄回商品。

    「手錶售後維修及保養服務 - 只限香港」

    1. 所有手錶均提供一年有限度保養
    2. 由手錶購買之日起計一 (1) 年期有限度保養
    3. 保修服務不涵蓋:
      - 電池的使用壽命;
      - 正常的的磨損和老化(例:表面的刮損;顏色的改變/或非金屬材料的(如矽膠、皮質、塑料、纖維質) 錶帶或錶鏈的改變;電鍍的脫落);
      - 因非正常使用/濫用、粗心大意、過失、意外(撞激、敲擊、擠壓、表面破損及其他)、不正確使用等,而造成手錶任何部件的任何損壞;
      - 由任何未經授權的人士拆動過的手錶(如:更換電池或維修),改變了原始狀態的手錶。 

    ※ 本店有權更改以上條款而無需作任何預先通知,如有任何爭議本店將保留一切的最終決定權。