Goodal Green Tangerine Vita-C Dark Spot Care Serum 40ml (Renewal Version) Goodal 濟州青橘維他命C淡斑去印美白精華40ml (升級版)
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- A hypoallergenic and mild vitamin C serum that fades blemishes, melasma, and freckles two weeks after application and brightens the skin.
- Suitable for all skin types
- 70% green tangerine extract (tangerine extract) + vitamin C derivative + whitening active ingredient (niacinamide)
- Hydrates and nourishes your skin to visibly revitalize dull and uneven skin tone Inner/outer skin melanin (brown spot) relief test completed - 33.55% improvement after 4 weeks of use
- Cheek and cheek area melasma, freckles, blemish reduction test completed - 2.81% improvement after 4 weeks of use
- Passed Skin Irritation Test and free from 18 harmful ingredients, suitable for sensitive skin.
- Bottled in 60% post-consumer recycled (PCR) glass and made with a metal-free pump Packaged with recyclable paper and printed with soy ink.
- Made in Korea
- Exp.: 11/03/2027
- How to use: After cleansing and using toner, pump 1-2 times and gently spread over the entire face before using the cream.
- 適合任何膚質
- 富含70%源自濟洲島青橘的天然萃取物,維他命C含量比檸檬多出10倍,有效淡斑美白肌膚
- 升級版之美白成份Niacinamide(煙酰胺)增至4%,能瓦解黑色素,打造嫩白肌
- 有助保護和修復肌膚免受紫外線傷害,中和游離基,減少黑斑形成和色素沈澱
- 同時加入鎮靜成分,針對消退暗瘡印而調配,適合暗瘡痊癒後的肌膚作提亮
- 不含18種有害成分、酒精,性質溫和低敏,有機無害,適合所有膚質
- 透明水潤質地,清爽易推,吸收快速不黏膩,保濕同時美白
- 建議於晚間潔面後使用,白天使用必需加強防曬
- 2020-2021連續兩年韓國Olive Young精華類銷售榜第二名 熱銷450萬瓶
- 使用方法: 使用日常的爽膚水後, 泵1-2次並均勻塗抹全臉
- 紙盒採用可降解及重用的無氯元素(ECF)環保紙材質
- 瓶身及泵採用可循環再用的環保塑膠
- 韓國製造
- 到期日2027年3月11日
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