Mitis Cats Hot & Ice Eye Pillow - Siamese Cat (Lavender) 冷熱兩用貓貓舒緩香薰眼枕 - 暹羅貓(薰衣草味)

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Mitis Cats

$27.00 $23.00
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The cute calico cat cover with a beads pack and a scent bag inside, that can support heat and coldyou can warm or cool the beads pack for relaxation.

  • Style: Siamese Cat (Aroma: Lavender)
  • Use for relaxation
  • Relieve swollen & puffy eyes, dry eyes, headaches
  • ONLY warm or cool the beads pack (please remove the eye pillow cover when heating or cooling)
  • The eye pillow cover made in China, the bean pack and scent pack made in Japan
  • Reusable

*Please remove the plastic cover of the scent bag before use.
*Place the scent bag on the beads bag.

Ice: Place the beads pack in freezer for 30 minutes.
Hot: Warm the beads pack in microwave oven about 30seconds (500W microwave oven ~10seconds)

  • 款式: 暹羅貓薰衣草味
  • 有助舒緩眼睛疲勞
  • 消除眼睛浮腫,改善眼乾及頭痛
  • 眼枕套於中國製造;珠包、香包及其他配件於日本製造
  • 只能加熱或冷卻珠包,請勿將眼枕套一同加熱或冷卻
  • 可重覆使用

1. 打開眼枕的拉鏈,將裡面的珠包除出。
2. 把珠包放入微波爐加熱30秒(500W以上微波爐加熱10秒即可)。
3. 把珠包放回眼枕內,關上拉鏈。

1. 打開眼枕的拉鏈,將裡面的珠包除出。
2. 把珠包放入冰格30分鐘。
3. 把珠包放回眼枕內,關上拉鏈。


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