RiRe Quick Hair Cushion 14g - Natural Brown RiRe髮線氣墊粉14g (自然啡)
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- Color: Natural Brown
- Full and voluminous hair simply by tapping - widow's peak correction, gray hair coverage, bald spot coverage
- Natural color match provides natural looking hair
- Ultra-adhering powder provides long lasting effects - resistant to sweat, offering a matte finish with no residue
- Contains nourishing ingredients include green tea, centerlla asiatica, chamomile, aloe barbadensis leaf, arctium lappa seed, blackbean extract
- Include a pyramid-shaped puff
- Made in Korea
- Expiry Date: 2027/09/19
- 顏色: Natural Brown(自然啡)
- 美化髮際線和頭髮稀疏的位置
- 色澤自然,打造豐盈感十足的秀髮
- 超級貼服粉末型,不飛粉,防水防汗
- 含綠茶、積雪草、洋甘菊、蘆薈葉、牛蒡子、黑豆皮提取物有助育髮
- 鏡面圓盒,內附三角粉 撲,便攜出門
- 使用方法: 以三角粉撲沾取粉末,以一壓二撥的方式塗抹於頭髮上
- 韓國製造
- 到期日: 2027年9月19日
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